popelizbet Nov 05, 2010 12:31
oh sweet mystery of life, mein krankes herze brich mir nicht, haha that's great, upon finding myself, kindness is the new status symbol, here there be deep emotional bullshit, pretty things, no explanation necessary, reading is fundamental, art is my major vice, not included in the things i hate, how it is is how it is, omg y'all we're going on the train, sufficient unto the day, eternal winning and victory, attack of the fandom, things that are more awesome than cake, life could be a dream sweetheart, or you will miss the poetry, pope truths, be excellent to each other, i am only a poet, how shall i still be purple, doctors & mad scientists of yore, all junior girls report to the gymnasium, things out of their season, it's all about the love, let us reflect on what we have learned, papal recommendation, just go with it, relevant to my interests, did i tell y'all i love you today?, things i would like to have for myself, things requiring preservation, friggin' sweet, let the wild rumpus begin